On December 1, 2012, the NAIC’s Reinsurance (E) Task Force convened at the 2012 NAIC Fall Meeting to discuss the status of several regulatory issues. The NAIC staff reported that 11 states have adopted some form of the NAIC Model Credit for Reinsurance Law and Regulation, which allows for reduced collateral requirements for certified reinsurers. The Model Law and Regulation were approved at the Fall Meeting as optional standards, meaning states may continue to require 100% collateral. The Task Force also exposed its Draft NAIC Process for Developing and Maintaining the List of Qualified Jurisdictions for a 45-day comment period and noted that 4 jurisdictions, Bermuda, Germany, Switzerland and the UK, will receive expedited review. Another discussion focused on a survey of states regarding the Dodd-Frank’s Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act, which brought to light concerns about how to treat reinsurers that have large segments of insurance business for purposes of solvency regulation.

This post written by Abigail Kortz.

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