UK Court denies claim over implementation of EEC Insurance Directive

The UK Commercial Court, Queen's Bench Division, has entered an extensive opinion (with an accompanying Appendix), denying claims asserted by various Names against Her Majesty's Treasury, which alleged that the Names had suffered losses at Lloyd's due to the government’s failure appropriately to implement an EEC Insurance Directive (Directive 73/239/EEC). The Names contended that as a result of the failures in the implementation process, the “true IBNR” for US asbestos-related risks were not disclosed, resulting in the Names participating in the reinsurance of such risks, when they would not have done so had they known the “true IBNR” for such risks. Poole v. Her Majesty’s Treasury, [2006] EWHC 2731 (Comm.) (Nov. 8, 2006). The Court denied the claims on two bases: (1) the Insurance Directive did not grant any relevant rights to the Names; and (2) the claims were time barred.


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