Parties litigate issues relating to London arbitration award in US Court

Noble Assurance Company insured its parent, Shell Petroleum, Inc., and reinsured the risks with Gerling-Konzern General Insurance Co – UK. When a dispute arose over the reinsurance, the parties arbitrated the dispute in London. The Panel ruled in Nobel's favor, and Gerling then filed suit in US District Court in Vermont against Noble and Shell, seeking rescission of the reinsurance agreement, vacature of the London arbitration award on the basis that it violated public policy and was issued in manifest disregard of the law and declarations that various contracts were void. In a preliminary ruling, the District Court permitted jurisdictional discovery as to the claim against Shell, denied Gerling's motion for summary judgment and granted Noble's motion to dismiss in part. The fundamental issue of whether the US court action could attack the London arbitration award was not presented in these motions. Gerling-Konzern General Ins. Co – UK v. Noble Assurance Co., Case No. 06-76 (D. Vt. Nov. 1, 2006). It will be interesting to follow this action, since it appears to be, at least in significant part, a collateral attack on the London arbitration award.


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