A Florida jury rejected all claims made by Instituto Nacional de Seguros (“INS”), a Costa Rican insurer, against two reinsurance brokers, Hemispheric Reinsurance Group, LLC and Howden Insurance Brokers, Ltd. As previously reported, INS sued the reinsurance brokers following INS’ award of its reinsurance business under a “beauty contest” bid process which did not separately disclose the $2 million reinsurance brokers’ commissions and which only quoted a total bid price of $12 million. The jury rejected each of INS’ claims of breach of contract, breach of implied contract, and breach of fiduciary duty. The jury also found in favor of Hemispheric on its counterclaim for breach of contract, awarding that reinsurance broker $771,855.31. Instituto Nacional de Seguros v. Hemispheric Reinsurance Group, Case No. 10-33-653 CA 04 (Fla. Cir. Ct. Mar. 17, 2009).

This post written by Leonor Lagomasino.

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