Annual summary of developments in the law of reinsurance

Recent Developments in Excess Insurance, Suplus Lines Insurance, and Reinsurance Law, 40 Tort Trial & Insurance Prac. L. J. 397 (2005). Article covering development during 2005 in excess insurance, surplus lines insurance and reinsurance. The reinsurance portion of this article covers three broad issues, coverage, arbitration and litigation, with the following subparts: Coverage – following liability, utmost good faith, aggregation and annualization, late notice, extracontractual obligations, privity and cut-through and terrorism; Arbitration – arbitrability, stay of litigation or arbitration proceedings, panel composition, consolidation, confirmation/vacation of awards, discovery and confidentiality of award; Litigation – in personam jurisdiction and indispensable parties, subject matter jurisdiction, forum non conveniens/improper forum, discovery and insolvency. Available on WESTLAW at 40 TTIPLJ 397.


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