Evident Partiality, Fraud, Corruption, Undue Means

Dubois v. Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc., Case No. 11-4904 (USDC E.D.N.Y. Sept. 13, 2012) (accepting magistrate’s report and recommendation denying motion to vacate, no corruption, fraud, undue means, or evident partiality; granting motion to confirm)

Burbach Aquatics, Inc. v. Huntley Illinois Park District, Case No. 12-6613 (USDC N.D. Ill Nov. 21, 2012) (denying motion to vacate, no evident partiality, no manifest disregard of the law)

Gambino v. Alfonso Electrical Services, Case No. 10-10860 (USDC D. Mass. Nov. 20, 2012) (granting motion to vacate, evident partiality where arbitrator owed fiduciary duty as trustee to prevailing party)

Failure or Refusal to Hear Material Evidence

Allstate Ins. Co. v. GEICO, No. D36443 (N.Y. App. Div. Oct. 9, 2012) (reversing trial court decision granting motion to vacate for failure or refusal to hear evidence, reinstating and confirming award)

Exeeding Scope of Submission

Integrated Construction Enterprises, Inc. v. Bradley Sciocchetti, Inc., No. A-2511-10T4 (N.J. App. Div. Nov. 20, 2012) (affirming denial of vacatur, arbitrator did not exceed powers by awarding prevailing party costs associated with arbitration, no evident mathematical error in damages award)

Arbitration Procedure

OneBeacon America Insurance Co. v. Swiss Reinsurance America Corp., Case No. 12-5043 (USDC S.D.N.Y. Oct. 19, 2012) (granting petition for appointment of neutral third arbitrator for tri-partite panel)

Hofer Builders, Inc. v. Captstone Building Corp., Case No. 12-1367 (USDC E.D. La. Nov. 20, 2012) (denying interlocutory motion to vacate arbitrator decision denying summary judgment, as decision did not constitute a “final award”)

Oakley Fertilizer, Inc. v. Hagrpota for Trading & Distribution, Ltd., Case No. 11-7799 (USDC S.D.N.Y. Nov. 16, 2012) (granting motion to confirm award under Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the FAA, where losing party in arbitration was refusing to pay award)

Choice Hotels International, Inc. v. Jai Shree Navdurga, LLC, Case No. 11-2893 (USDC D. Md. Nov. 29, 2012) (confirming award by default judgment, denying motion for costs not pled in initial complaint)

This post written by John Pitblado.

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