Manifest disregard

Bangor Gas Co., LLC v. H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.), Inc., No. 1:11-cv-457-NT (USDC D. Me. Mar. 1, 2012) (granting motion to confirm, no manifest disregard).

Total Landscaping Care, LLC v. Tower Cleaning Systems, Inc., No. 10-6542 (USDC E.D. Pa. Mar. 1, 2012) (denying vacatur, no manifest disregard).

Duferco S.A. v. Tube City IMS, LLC, No. 11-886 (2d Cir. Mar. 8, 2012) (affirming denial of vacatur, no manifest disregard).

Exceeding Scope

W & J Harlan Farms, Inc. v. Cargill, Inc., No. 1:09-CV-113-WTL-TAB (USDC S.D. Ind. Mar. 6, 2012) (granting motion to confirm, arbitrators did not exceed scope, no manifest disregard).

Primed, Inc. v. Dallas General Life Insurance Co., No. 8:11-cv-2002-T-33AEP (USDC M.D. Fla. Feb. 28, 2012) (denying vacatur, arbitrators did not exceed powers).

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., No. 10-17562 (9th Cir. Feb. 29, 2012) (affirming denial of vacatur, arbitrators did not exceed scope)

Failure to hear pertinent and material evidence

LJL 33rd Street Associates, LLC v. Pitcairn Properties, Inc., No. 11-Civ-6399 (USDC S.D.N.Y. Feb. 15 2012) (denying vacatur, no failure to hear pertinent and material evidence)

Jurisdiction / Venue / Procedure

JDS Uniphase Corp. v. Finisar Corp., No. 11-1213 (USDC W.D. Pa. Mar. 5, 2012) (granting motion to dismiss, no independent subject matter jurisdiction conferred by FAA) (appeal docketed March 9, 2012).

Marlowe v. IDS Property Casualty Insurance Co., No. 2011AP2067 (Wis. Ct. App. Mar. 13, 2012) (reversing trial court, remanding to arbitrators for ruling on discovery issues).

Rain CII Carbon, LLC v. ConocoPhillips Co., No. 11-30669 (5th Cir. Mar. 9, 2012) (affirming ruling denying vacatur for lack of “reasoned award” attack on award issued without findings of fact and law).

Grynberg Production Corp. v. Susman Godfrey, LLP, No. 10-1248 (10th Cir. Feb. 16, 2012) (affirming denial of motion to compel re-arbitration of matters encompassed by original award).

Bridgepoint Ventures, LLC v. PanAm Management Group, Inc., No. 11-10021 (11th Cir. Mar. 2, 2012) (affirming proper subject matter jurisdiction of trial court that granted motion to confirm where complete diversity existed at time of filing).

Local 36 Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association AFL-CIO v. Whitney, No. 11-1781 (8th Cir. Mar. 6, 2012) (reversing denial of vacatur where non-appearing party in arbitration challenged jurisdiction for lack of contract between parties for first time in proceeding to enforce the award).

This post written by John Pitblado.

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