Constellation Energy recently filed a petition in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to confirm two London arbitration awards entered against Transfield ER Cape Ltd. Constellation also sought to enforce the awards against ER Cape’s alleged alter ego, Transfield EL Limited, which was not a party to the arbitrations. The District Court held that the arbitration awards against ER Cape should indeed be enforced, concluding that forum non conveniens did not prevent adjudication in US Court and that venue was appropriate. The Court noted that the petitioner’s choice of home forum is entitled to substantial deference, the balance of private and public interests did not strongly favor ER Cape, and that the mere existence of adequate alterative forums in insufficient to override petitioner’s choice of forum. The Court, however, ruled that Constellation had failed to plead sufficient factual content to support a claim for alter ego liability and accordingly dismissed the petition against ER Limited. Constellations’ petition for attorneys’ fees and costs was also denied. Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. v. Transfield ER Cape Ltd., No. 10-cv-04434 (USDC S.D.N.Y. July 29, 2011).

This post written by John Black.


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