On July 15, 2010, the Senate passed the Dodd-Frank Act (“DFA”), the financial regulatory modernization act that has been in the process of development and consideration by the Congress for over a year. Rollie Goss presents a Special Focus analysis of the potential impact of the DFA on the insurance and reinsurance industries and markets.

Jorden Burt will present a free webinar for Reinsurance Focus subscribers and Jorden Burt clients on the DFA’s potential impact on the insurance and reinsurance industries and markets. The webinar also will cover the potential impact of the DFA on actions by New York, Florida and potentially other states with respect to the requirement of collateral for reinsurance transactions, and the NAIC’s proposals for the regulation of reinsurance. Webinar login information will be sent to Reinsurance Focus subscribers by e-mail. To subscribe and participate in this webinar, go to our subscription page.

This post written by Rollie Goss.


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