In a recent action, Granite Re filed suit against Federal Crop Ins. Corp., Risk Management Agency and Ann Frohman, in her capacity as Liquidator for the insolvent insurer, American Growers Ins., alleging that Growers owes unpaid reinsurance premiums to Granite Re. Following removal to Federal Court, the Liquidator moved to dismiss, advising that she claims no interest in the outcome of Granite Re’s litigation against FCIC/RMA and she will therefore forego any right she may have had to remain in the litigation as an interested or intervening party. Though the case was properly removed, the Court explained that a Nebraska statute prevented the federal court from entering a judgment against the Liquidator, and that the McCarran-Ferguson Act prevented the Court from entering an order for distribution of any FCIC/RMA judgment proceeds. Rather than dismissing the claim against the Liquidator, the District Court remanded the claim to Nebraska state court while also granting FCIC/RMA’s request to transfer the claims against those parties to the District Court for the District of Columbia. Granite Reinsurance Co., LTD v. Ann M. Frohman, Case No. 08-410 (D. Neb. Oct. 26, 2009).

This post written by John Black.


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