We recently experienced a hardware problem and a problem with our e-mail subscription service that resulted in an interruption of our e-mail update service to our subscribers. We have resolved the problem, and are moving to a different e-mail service to ensure greater reliability. When we make the move to the new service, our existing subscribers may receive a Welcome e-mail asking you to re-confirm your subscription. Please do so. Please go to Reinsurance Focus to see the content that was not forwarded to you druing this interruption in the e-mail service. We apologize for this interruption.

We are also in the final stages of upgrading our blog generally, which will feature an easier to use navigation system. The upgrade also will permit us to offer selected additional content only to those who subscribe to our e-mail updates. The initial offering will be a short free webinar on the proposals to “modernize” the regulation of the reinsurance industry coming from both the NAIC and the Obama Administration. If you are not a current subscriber, and are interested in receiving such content, please subscribe to our blog below. Existing subscribers need not do so to receive notification of such additional content.

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This post written by Rollie Goss.


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