Awards upheld

TIG Ins. Co. v. Global Int’l Reinsurance Co. Ltd., 09-Civ-1289 (USDC S.D.N.Y. Aug. 7, 2009) (arbitration award confirmed, no manifest disregard of law)

UTGR Inc. d/b/a Twin River v. Mutuel/Gaming Clerks of Rhode Island, Local 334, No. 09-046-S (USDC D.R.I. Aug. 6, 2009) (arbitrator’s award in CBA dispute confirmed)

Waddell v. Holiday Isle, LLC, No., CV-09-0040 (USDC S.D. Ala. Aug. 4, 2009) (several motions to vacate arbitration award denied, no manifest disregard, one motion to vacate granted as beyond the submission)

WellPoint, Inc. v. John Hancock Life Ins. Co., No. 07 C 943 (7th Cir. Aug. 7, 2009) (affirming district court’s denial of motion to vacate arbitration award)

Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas, Inc. v. Palmetto Bridge Constructors, No. RDB-09-633 (USDC D. Md. Aug. 25, 2009) (motion to confirm arbitration award granted) .

Award reversed

Globe Newspaper Co. v. Int’l Assoc. of Machinists, Local 264, District 15, No. 08-cv-11945 (USDC D. Mass. Aug. 5, 2009) (vacating arbitrator’s award in CBA dispute as against public policy)

This post written by John Pitblado.


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