The Scottish Court of Session Decisions has nixed a scheme of arrangement under the UK Companies Act of 2006, stating it could not be judicially sanctioned without the assent of all creditors. A scheme of arrangement is a reorganization device in which, with the approval of at least three-quarters of a company’s creditors, the company may compromise the claims of all its creditors. A somewhat analogous device might be a “cram-down” under U.S. bankruptcy law, with the important distinction that a scheme of arrangement may be used even by a solvent company. This procedure has been criticized by US insurance companies. There are three stages to a scheme of arrangement. First, there must be an application to the court for an order that a meeting of creditors be summoned. Second, the scheme proposals are put to the meeting and are approved (or not) by the requisite majority. Third, if approved at the meeting, there must be a further application to the court to obtain the court’s sanction to the arrangement.

In the case before the Court of Session Decisions, Scottish Lion Insurance Company had been in runoff since late 1994, and in 2008 had proposed a scheme of arrangement to terminate its exposures under short- and long-tail policies. The scheme was opposed by various U.S.-based creditors which were insureds under general liability or general aviation insurance policies with Scottish Lion. The court, noting it was not bound to sanction a scheme which had achieved the statutory majority at the creditors’ meeting, declined to exercise its discretion to approve the scheme. Scottish Lion was solvent and appeared to have made provision to meet its potential liabilities in the future. Thus, the court asked rhetorically, “in a situation where the Company is sound financially, why should one group of creditors who might wish to enter into a commutation agreement with the Company be entitled to force other creditors to participate against their will?” In such a case, sanctioning a solvent scheme smacked of “unreasonableness” to the minority. In the Petition of Scottish Lion Insurance Company, Ltd. [2009] CSOH 127.

This post written by Brian Perryman.


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