New Hampshire Insurance Company brought suit in the Turks and Caicos Islands against its reinsurer, Magellan Reinsurance Company, claiming that Magellan failed to properly fund a trust set up by the parties with a Texas bank, for the deposit by Magellan of all unearned premium reserves plus outstanding loss reserves at the end of each quarter. The premiums derived from a book of vehicle service contract reimbursement policies. New Hampshire, under the terms of the reinsurance agreement, was entitled to withdraw the funds for certain purposes specified in the reinsurance agreement. New Hampshire claimed that Magellan underfunded the trust by approximately $1.4 million. Reversing the holding of the Chief Justice of the Privy Council, the Court of Appeals held that New Hampshire lacked standing to presently pursue the claim, essentially on grounds of ripeness, insofar as it failed to establish any legal right to withdrawal of the amount of funds it claimed were improperly withheld, for any of the specific purposes of withdrawal set forth in the reinsurance agreement. Rather, it merely established that such legal claim of right to those funds would accrue in the future. The appeal was thus dismissed. New Hampshire Ins. Co. v. Magellan Reinsurance Co. Ltd., [2009] UKPC 33 (July 15, 2009)

This post written by John Pitblado.


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