On December 2, 2008, we reported on an order by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan granting the Respondent’s motion to seal in part, permitting the Respondent to “temporarily file” its motion to dismiss and the award under seal, pending a determination of the motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction in the Petitioners’ action to confirm the arbitration award. After the order, the Respondent filed its motion to dismiss and the Petitioners moved for sanctions. The district court noted that the arbitration award included declaratory provisions but no monetary award. Petitioners argued that the court retained jurisdiction from an earlier action to appoint an umpire and that the amount sought in the arbitration, rather than the award, provided diversity jurisdiction. In granting the motion to dismiss, the district court first stated that jurisdiction was not retained because the earlier action was dismissed without the court issuing an order to compel arbitration, which would have retained jurisdiction on a subsequent motion to confirm. The district court next stated that the amount in controversy is the amount of the arbitration award sought to be confirmed. Since no monetary damages were awarded and the Petitioners did not show that the declaratory provisions had any real value, the court concluded the amount in controversy did not meet the threshold required to exercise diversity jurisdiction, which will force the Petitioners to file a similar motion to confirm in state court. Petitioners sought sanctions against Respondent’s local counsel for costs incurred to defend against the motion to dismiss and to address the motion to seal and related motion papers. The court ultimately denied the motion for sanctions because the Respondent’s position in the motion to dismiss was correct and the arbitration premised on the parties’ own agreement necessitated the motion to seal. American Bankers Insurance Co. of Florida v. National Casualty Co., Case No. 08- 13522 (USDC E.D. Mich. Feb. 3, 2009).

This post written by Dan Crisp.


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