Argonaut Insurance reinsured Global Reinsurance under excess of loss, quota share and facultative reinsurance agreements. A dispute arose as to whether certain commutation payments made by Global and ceded to the reinsurance agreements came within the scope of the reinsurance agreements, and arbitration was demanded. Background is found in the Petition to Confirm the arbitration award (which is redacted). An arbitration panel decided in favor of Argonaut, finding that the commutation payments were not “claims, losses or settlements within the terms, limits and conditions of the Retrocessional Contracts at issue ….” Copies of the reinsurance contracts and the arbitration award are found in a declaration filed in support of confirmation of the award. The award was confirmed with the agreement of all parties. The court denied a request to keep filings in the confirmation proceeding under seal, finding that there had not been a sufficient showing to overcome the presumption that filings in US District Courts are public. Global Reinsur. Corp. v. Argonaut Insur. Co., Case No. 07-8350 (USDC S.D.N.Y. 2008).

This post written by Rollie Goss.


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