A Connecticut court has ruled in favor of reinsurance brokers Carvill America in their dispute with XL Specialty Insurance Company. In 1999, Carvill was appointed reinsurance broker for XL Specialty Insurance Company. This appointment was subsequently terminated. In 2004, XL sued Carvill alleging misconduct and Carvill counter-claimed alleging it was entitled to brokerage on all of the reinsurance contracts it had placed prior to XL terminating its role. The court determined that XL tortiously interfered with Carvill’s business relationships with the reinsurers when it instructed its new broker (Benfield) to withhold the amount of Carvill’s brokerage from premium payments to the reinsurers. The court concluded that termination of a reinsurance broker’s position as broker of record for an insurer does not terminate the reinsurers’ contractual obligation to pay the placing broker the brokerage as required by the slips. XL Specialty Ins. Co. v. Carvill America, Inc., No. X04cv044000148S, 2007 WL 1748157 (May 31, 2007), denying XL’s motion to amend, 2007 WL 2200560 (Super. Ct. Conn. July 9, 2007) (not available on court’s web site).


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