This action was brought by the Statutory Liquidator of two insolvent Pennsylvania insurers (Legion and Villanova) against their reinsurer, Stateco Insurance Company. Plaintiff sought relief for an alleged breach of contract arising out of a Management Agreement between the insurers and Stateco. Stateco asserted several counterclaims.

Plaintiff moved to dismiss Stateco’s counterclaims on the basis that Stateco did not comply with an Order of Liquidation, pursuant to which anyone asserting claims against Legion was required to file a proof of claim on or before June 30, 2005. Defendants argued that their claims could not be barred by the Liquidation Order in light of Ninth Circuit precedent (Hawthorne Savings Bank v. Reliance Insurance Co.), as well as lack of personal jurisdiction, among other reasons.

In July, a California District Court granted plaintiff’s motion to dismiss defendant’s counterclaims. The court distinguished Hawthorne on the basis that the claim in Hawthorne was asserted by a policyholder against its insurer which had no connection to the insolvency proceedings. In contrast, the Court held the instant case was “inextricably intertwined with the liquidation proceedings, and Stateco’s counterclaims seek to interfere with those proceedings.” Additionally, the Court held that it did have personal jurisdiction over the defendant as a result of its long-term agency relationship with a Pennsylvania insurer in addition to the choice of law clause contained in the Management Agreement. The court summarily dismissed Defendant’s remaining arguments relating to mutuality and recoupment. Koken v. Stateco Inc., Case No. 05-03007 (N.D. Cal. July 25, 2007).


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