Court finds pleading insufficiencies in Insurance Brokerage Antitrust litigation

In the massive MDL proceeding relating to alleged bid rigging and kickbacks in the insurance brokerage area, the Court has ruled on a motion to dismiss, holding as follows: (1) the McCarran-Ferguson Act exemption does not apply: (2) the antitrust claims are inadequately pled; (3) the RICO claims are inadequately pled; (4) the ERISA claims state a cause of action (although the Court found the facts to be sparse); and (5) the Court reserved ruling as to state law claims, until it decided which federal claims survived motion practice. The Court directed the plaintiffs to file more particular statements as to the antitrust and RICO claims, instead of requiring a further amended pleading. In re Insurance Brokerage Antitrust Litigation, Case No. MDL 1663 (D. N.J. Oct. 3, 2006).


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