United Guaranty sought reconsideration of its motion to dismiss, which the Court denied in part due to Plaintiffs’ successful equitable tolling argument. United Guaranty again argued that equitable tolling was inappropriate as Plaintiffs “did not sufficiently allege that United Guaranty committed an act of fraudulent concealment that prevented him from discovering his claim during the limitation period.” Broome, one of the original plaintiffs, obtained a mortgage from First Horizon. First Horizon then selected United Guaranty to act as Broome’s insurer. United Guaranty in turn then selected FT Reinsurance, a subsidiary of First Horizon, to provide reinsurance. Broome alleges this relationship represented a “captive reinsurance scheme,” with referral payments used to circumvent the kickback prohibitions of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA.”)

Once again, the Court found that Broome’s allegations were sufficient under the doctrine of equitable tolling, and therefore, the one-year statute of limitations did not bar his claim. The Court noted that the extent of cooperation between the bank, insurer, and reinsurance companies, while currently unknown, are better left to discovery. The Court also denied United Guaranty’s motion to certify the February 27, 2013 Order for immediate appeal as the previous court order did not represent a controlling question of law. Barlee v. First Horizon National Corp., Case No. 12-3045 (USDC E.D. Pa. April 4, 2013).

This post written by Rollie Goss.

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