We have previously posted on the NAIC’s pending inquiries into the appropriateness of the use of captives. There are two recent developments of note with respect to such issues. First, the NAIC’s subgroup which has been conducting an inquiry has exposed for public comment a revised version of its white paper titled Captives and Special Purpose Vehicles. This draft does not resolve all of the disagreements evident in prior discussions of these issues at the NAIC, calling for further study with respect to some issues. The comment period for this document ends April 29, 2013. Second, the Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (“FIO”) has formed a task force, headed by District of Columbia Insurance Commissioner William White, to examine the national implications of the use or possible abuse of captives and special purpose vehicles by life insurance companies. This represents a new direction for the FIO, and the reason for this shift is not readily apparent. Although the FIO has been involved mostly in international issues so far, and the NAIC white paper does identify its inability to regulate offshort capitves as an issue, it is unclear whether the FIO’s interest has been prompted by international regulatory concerns.

This post written by Rollie Goss.

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