Greenlight Reinsurance, Ltd. reinsured Medicus Ins. Co. under a stop-loss reinsurance contract covering a certain portion of Medicus’s medical professional liability insurance risks. Medicus terminated the contract according to its termination provisions. Greenlight asserted, and Medicus disputed, that those provisions require a commutation payment or “break up fee,” which Medicus refused to pay. Greenlight demanded arbitration and Medicus thereafter filed suit. After failing to respond to Greenlight’s motion to compel arbitration, which was granted, Medicus sought reconsideration. The Court upheld its decision compelling arbitration, noting that the dispute inarguably arose under the contract, and that the FAA required a broad rendering of the arbitration provision as covering all such disputes. Medicus Ins. Co. v. Greenlight Reinsurance, Ltd., Case No. 10-00277 (USDC W.D. Tex Je. 24, 2010). Reconsideration has been denied.

This post written by John Pitblado.


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