In an ongoing fraudulent conveyance dispute, the district court denied cross-motions for certificates of interlocutory appeals of summary judgment orders against the plaintiff rehabilitator of an insurance company and one of the two defendants. We previously reported on the court’s denial of cross-motions for reconsideration of the summary judgment orders in a July 22, 2009 post. The rehabilitator sought to appeal the order finding there was no evidence that payments made to the reinsurer were “disproportionately small” or not the result of arms-length negotiations. The court denied this motion principally on the grounds that it would embroil the appellate court in a fact-intensive analysis. The defendant’s cross-motion also was denied. It sought an appeal of whether it was a direct or initial transferee under fraudulent conveyance law. Noting that courts usually do not allow interlocutory appeals of denials of summary judgment, the court found there were disputed issues of fact that would be better determined by a jury before proceeding to an appeal. Mills v. Everest Reinsurance Co., Case No. 05-8928 (USDC S.D.N.Y. October 28, 2009).

This post written by Brian Perryman.


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