Names lose exchange rate issue with Lloyd's

In another of a series of cases involving Lloyd's enforcing UK judgments against Names for Equitas reinsurance premium, after losing on a summary judgment motion that enforced the UK judgment, a Name moved to set aside the judgment based upon an exchange rate provision. Finding the District Court did not err by applying the Utah Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act, the Tenth Circuit affirmed the denial of the motion. Society of Lloyd's v. Bennett, Case No. 05-4069 (10th Cir. June 2, 2006). This appears to be one of those cases in which a party simply will not give up. Having lost in the English Courts and in the US District Court, while an appeal was pending to the Tenth Circuit, the Names sought to vacate or modify the District Court's Order by filing a Rule 60 motion. Even this case appears to be near an end.


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