Last month, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reviewed an arbitration panel’s awards against Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner, founders of Cisco Systems. The panel issued a series of preliminary and final awards. Bosack and Lerner challenged the panel’s awards in favor of their former financial manager David Soward on three primary bases: (1) the panel violated Rule 46 of the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the common law functus officio doctrine (forbidding an arbitrator from redetermining an issue which he has already decided); (2) the panel manifestly disregarded the law; and (3) the awards were “irrational.”

The Court ruled against Bosack and Lerner on all accounts. First, as a matter of first impression for the Ninth Circuit, the Court applied the Eighth Circuit’s rule that the functus officio doctrine applies only to “final” awards, and does not bar revisiting an issue addressed in a preliminary award, which the arbitrators did not intend to be their final word on the subject. Applying this standard, the Ninth Circuit held that only one of the five arbitration awards should be considered “final” for purposes of the doctrine, and the sole final award was not in violation of functus officio or Rule 46. Further, the Court concluded that in reaching the award, the panel neither acted irrationally or in manifest disregard of the law. The Court explained that Bosack and Lerner accepted the risk that goes along with arbitration, and could not avail themselves of expanded judicial review simply because the awards were unfavorable. Bosack v. Soward, Case No. 08-35248 (9th Cir. July 23, 2009).

This post written by John Black.


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