On September 1, 2015, Texas Senate Bill 900 went into effect after passing both the Texas House and Senate this past summer. The bill amends the operation of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (“TWIA”), a state backed insurer of last resort. The TWIA was created in 1971 to fill in coverage gaps for windstorm and hail protection when private insurance became too expensive or when private insurance simply failed to provide coverage. The goal of the TWIA is to make coverage affordable for residential and commercial properties in areas prone to claims, most notably in certain coastal counties.

Senate Bill 900 makes a few important changes to the association. The insurer’s board of directors will now encompass three members from the insurance industry, three members from coastal Texas counties, and three members from inland Texas. It requires that the insurer maintain “available loss funding” to cover a once in a 100 year storm disaster. It also clarifies the purchasing requirements of reinsurance and alternative risk financing, both used in order to limit payout risk. Finally, Senate Bill 900 allows for the appointment of an administrator to run the insurer.

Texas Senate Bill 900 (2015)

This post written by Matthew Burrows, a law clerk at Carlton Fields Jorden Burt in Washington, DC.

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