Court applies follow the fortunes doctrine and rejects late notice claim

In a summary judgment posture, a New York state court has rejected a reinsurer's late notice claim, finding that under New York law a reinsurer must prove prejudice due to late notice in order for late notice to constitute a defense to failure to pay claims. The Court found that no evidence of prejudice had been proffered. The Court then enforced a follow the fortunes clause as to the majority of the reinsurance claims at issue, finding that the reinsurer had not developed evidence in extensive discovery that the reinsured had acted fraudulently or in bad faith in paying the claims. The Court denied summary judgment as to claims relating to one underlying insured, based upon limited evidence that suggested possible bad faith in the payment of claims submitted by that party. Granite State Insur. Co. v. Ace American Reinsur. Co., Index No. 604347/04, in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York (Aug. 4, 2006).


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